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Is What You Say THAT Important?

Yes. Yes it is.

“What you believe is what you’re going to talk. And what you talk is what you’re going to get.”

On September 6, 2024, I lost access to this website. It would not load up. There was just a blank screen. In July, I lost access to my other website, I was unable to login to the site to write a post.

I wanted to freak out and say wrong things. God jerked me up and basically said “shut up” when I wanted to say freak out things.  It “looked” impossible for either website to be restored.

God kept reminding me He is the God of the impossible. But only if I kept my mouth right. He kept reminding me of other recent “impossible” situations He took care of.

A couple of days ago and today, my domain provider, Register4Less, was able to restore both websites. Miracle worker.

My second story involves a friend of mine, Shelly. This is in her own words (in texts we shared):

July 19 – Recently I feel under attack, but I am well! The enemy has been poking and prodding me, trying to get me to accept his lies.

The latest one in the last couple of days is that my hip hurts deep in the joint. I refused to accept it or any other lie he tries to share. I am healed, I am whole!

Aug 2 – Yes, I am healed! Thank you for standing with me. The lies the enemy was trying to share with me that my hip hurt, the joint hurt, etc., just stopped. There was no “gradually feel better” period or “hurting less” period.

I had been regularly confessing my healing, reminding the enemy of my healing, including each night as I went to bed.

Then one morning I woke up and my hip was perfectly fine. No pains, aches, nothing and has continued to be fine since.

Aug 4 – As you know, I’ve been pain free since waking that morning. Well, today I shifted in my chair and a sharp pain shot through my left hip again. Instantly, I rebuked the enemy and the pain left as quickly as it came.

I guess the enemy just wanting to see if I’d changed my mind about accepting what he wanted to give.

No thank you! I’ll take God’s gifts instead!


Yes our words are that important.