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How Powerful Our Prayers Can Be

My mom was a huge believer in God’s healing power. I never forgot one of her stories.

My Uncle Roy (her brother) got sick and wasn’t given long to live. She was visiting him in his hospital room. He was in a coma.

She was walking the floor, praying aloud. She reminded him he was too young to die (he was in his 60’s). She quoted Genesis 6:3 about man’s days being 120. She reminded him he had a teenage son at home (he was divorced but the son wanted to live with him).

She mostly prayed in the Spirit, in her prayer language (what some call “tongues” which just means language) as she walked.

Suddenly Uncle Roy sat up in the bed and said sternly to my mom, “Eddie!* QUIT praying for me. Your prayers are keeping me here. I want to go!” Then he laid back down.

Needless to say, my mother was flabbergasted. She walked over to his bed. She looked down at him, called his name, but he was back in his coma. 

She didn’t want him to go but God gently spoke to her (not in an audible voice, but inside), “Eddie, he’s already seen heaven. He has made his decision. His will is to come on to heaven. Let him go.”

She quit praying for his healing. He passed on within 20 minutes.

I say our prayers “CAN” be powerful only because of correct praying. My mom prayed the Word (what the Bible said) or in the Spirit. We had both learned that praying in the Spirit – in your prayer language – is a powerful tool.

The devil doesn’t know what your praying. He can’t hinder your prayers because you’re praying directly to God.

A lot of sincere people pray very unscriptural prayers. There is NO power in that. That’s why God sent “the Comforter”, the Holy Spirit, after Jesus left earth. The Holy Spirit is here to help us. To teach us. To help us pray correctly.

If you are not filled with the Spirit, speaking in your prayer language, you’re missing out on so much godly wisdom. You’re missing out of a powerful weapon God has given you. When YOU don’t know what to pray, HE does. The Holy Spirit prays correctly every time.

Some good “booklets” to read and learn are by Kenneth E. Hagin. You can find them on Amazon. Here are a few. One book and there are plenty more short booklets available.

Tongues: Beyond The Upper Room
Learning To Flow With The Spirit Of God
Why Tongues

*My mom’s name was Edna but had been called Eddie all her life).

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