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Are You Starving to Death?

How many times a day do you eat a meal? Once? Twice? Three squares a day? Plus snacks in between?

You most likely are not starving yourself on purpose (unless it’s some kind of fad diet). You may be able to live on one meal a day (people do) but you do eat.

BUT, and here’s the sad truth, most Christians only eat a meal once a week, maybe. They even skip several days saying, “I just don’t have time. I’m just too busy to eat.”

They’re starving to death. Just as surely as someone who only ate a physical meal sporadically, they’re starving. How can I say that?  Most may feed their physical body daily but neglect their spiritual one. They really are starving.

There are several scriptures that reference God’s Word as food. A few are listed below*.

You mature as you “eat” God’s Word. Just as a baby goes from milk to solid food, we are also to go from spiritual milk to spiritual solid food. You won’t grow up any other way (1 Peter 2:2)

The Bible is our Manufacturer’s Handbook. Just like you can’t operate most machinery without knowledge, you cannot successfully operate in life without knowledge and food, both physical and spiritual.

It is vital for you to put Word in you every single day. I learned to start with just five minutes every morning. I found if I tried to do more, I wandered away.

Why morning? Well, why give the devil first shot at your day? Start your day right. Give God first place! That five minutes can save your life.

If reading the Bible feels overwhelming or you don’t know where to start, below is an excellent recommendation. This devotional will start you on a nourishing journey to grow. Each day is short but Bible-based.

Faith Food

Use Bible Hub as a great place for other translations that sometimes make more sense than the King James Version!

Jeremiah 15:16 (AMPC)
Matthew 4:4 (MSG)
1 Peter 2:2 (AFV).


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