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As An Ambassador, Where Do You Live?

Now then we are ambassadors for Christ,
2 Corinthians 5:20 

God says that we are Ambassadors here on earth. In the world system, an ambassador* is the ranking government representative stationed in a foreign capital. The host country typically allows the ambassador control of specific territory called an embassy, whose territory, staff, and vehicles are generally afforded diplomatic immunity in the host country.

The primary purpose of an embassy is to assist American citizens who travel to or live in the host country. It’s considered a safe place to live and function out of. The people working in the embassy are not citizens of the country where they are stationed, they just live there. They function as American citizens in a foreign country.

As Christians, God provides us an Embassy. The Kingdom of God is that embassy. In this world’s system, we are not citizens of that system, we are just stationed here but are citizens of the Kingdom of God. We function as Christians in a foreign system.

The Kingdom of God is not a physical place on this earth; neither is it the literal Heaven where we all will go someday. Luke 17:21b states that the Kingdom is within you. It’s a very real “place” – a system, if you will – inside us where everything we need to function in this world system is provided for us. We just have to access it.

We access that Kingdom by faith, by allowing God to be our source of everything, by walking in righteousness (right standing with God, operating in His way of being and doing right). He has made every provision for us and all we have to do is have the faith to believe it and walk in it.

We even have Kingdom immunity from this world’s woes, problems and troubles. Our “territory, staff and vehicles”  – our stuff – is immune from the enemy of this “host country” – the world we live in. We are immune from sickness and disease, lack and debt.  God has given us His Word full of promises like Philippians 4:19, “God shall supply all your need…” and the benefits found in Psalms 103.

The Bible states that we are supposed to understand “the mystery” of the Kingdom of God. Why not ask God to show you where you are supposed to be living and operating out of? You’re going to like this embassy!

Ephesians 3:20
Philippians 4:19
Psalms 23:1
Proverbs 103
1 John 2:27a
Mark 4:11a
Luke 9:2
Romans 10:17



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