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Choose Life Not Death

Ice Age is a series of 20th Century Fox animated films. There are five movies, but today I’m referencing #2, Ice Age: The Meltdown. The story is about several ice age animals – two mammoths, saber tooth tiger, etc. Sid is a sloth. Someone filmed the bit I want to show you above. It isn’t the best view (they filmed their television) but it makes my point.

The world is supposedly melting. The two mammoths, Sid, and the saber tooth tiger are stuck on a large rock, surrounded by melting ice. Sid sees the life raft and feels hope. “We’re gonna live!’ Suddenly the water is up to their feet and rising – and he immediately changes his mind. “We’re gonna DIE!”  Of course, rescue comes.

The point is, because of what Sid saw, he changed what he believed.

Much like Christians, sometimes people feel hopeful UNTIL they see a negative change in their circumstances. Changes that speak the opposite of what God promised. They lose hope and faith because of what they see.

The Bible says we are to live by faith, no matter what the circumstances look like, sound like, or feel like. Covid-19 really showed people what was in their hearts – i.e., faith or fear, circumstances or what the Bible says.

During this time, Leland and I have learned beyond a shadow of doubt that God is with us during this time. God supplies everything we’ve needed – yes, including toilet paper (smile). God says about 365 times in the Bible to FEAR NOT (or some form of it like “do not fear”, etc.). If God said to fear not, we are to fear not.

If we had caught the virus, our job would be to continue to believe God is our healer, that Jesus died for our healing – including Covid-19. To  continue to confess scriptures about healing until the virus passed. And truly, if God is for us, who or what can be against us? NOTHING.

Don’t be like Sid, moved by circumstances. Be people of faith. Keep your eyes on God and not what is going on around you.

Scripture References:
Deuteronomy 30:19 NLT = Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!
Romans 1:17
Galatians 3:11
Hebrews 10:38

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