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God’s Extravagant Benefits

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: (Psalm 103:2)

Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah. (Psalm 68:19)

I love digging into the Bible and finding out all the wonderful things God does for us just because He loves us.  This week, it takes two scriptures to explain God’s goodness!

The first one, Psalm 103:2, tells us not to forget His benefits to us.  For the word “benefits”, the original manuscript uses the word, “reward,” like a present or a gift.  Here are just a few of the benefits we are given from our loving Father:

  1. He forgives all our faults and mistakes;
  2. He heals ALL (get that? ALL) our diseases;
  3. He purchased our life from destruction,
  4. He encircles us about with kindness and favor, and cherishes us
  5. He helps us be content with good things (prosperity, wealth, welfare)
  6. He helps us stay young (youthful);
  7. He performs righteous deeds and judgments for all who are disheartened, discouraged;
  8. He will make His ways known to us (no secrets);
  9. He loves us unconditionally and bends down in kindness to us; bestowing favor on us;
  10. He is slow to anger and overflows in mercy
  11. He hasn’t dealt with us according to our mistakes and faults
  12. He has taken ALL our mistakes and as far as the east is from the west, removed them from us;
  13. His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting;
  14. He even gives us angels who heed His Word and do His pleasure for us.

And remember, this is just ONE chapter in the Bible.  There are a whole lot more on His benefits in our life, which brings me to the second scripture – more good news!

The original transcript says it this way, “day by day, He carries our burdens for us.”  That is good enough yet being the God of our salvation is even more important.  This is another one of those words that is often mistaken.  People usually think it just means going to heaven and nothing could be farther from the truth!  In the original transcript the word means:

  • freedom
  • deliverance
  • prosperity
  • to be safe
  • to free or succor
  • avenging
  • defend
  • deliver and deliverer
  • to help
  • to preserve
  • to rescue
  • save
  • savior
  • get victory

I put all the words down because I don’t want you to miss one wonderful meaning of that simple little word, “salvation.”