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See Yourself As God Sees You

… I have been remarkably and wonderfully made…  Psalm 139:14  (HCSB) ♥ Have you ever thought about how God sees you? How He made you to be? What He made you to have? How so many of us are living far below how He made us? Most living broke, sick, a failure? God says that… Read More See Yourself As God Sees You

All Posts, Blessing of God, Christmas, Favor of God, God is Good, God's Love, Healing & God, Nan's Posts, Trust God

God Only Gives ALL Good Things

My pastor, Keith Moore, Faith Life Church, made some vital points today. I’m going to share some of the scripture he gave.  Romans 8:32 – He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?  If God didn’t spare… Read More God Only Gives ALL Good Things

All Posts, Blessing of God, Christmas, God's Love, Gratitude, Reading Bible

Christmas Slow Down 2023

‘Tis the season… to be peaceful!  No stressing allowed! Less shopping, less trying for perfection, less cooking, less baking – if it takes away from enjoying the holiday make things like that less important. And for sure, less worrying about what others (including children) will think. This is the season of LOVE, not stress. More… Read More Christmas Slow Down 2023

All Posts, Blessing of God, Favor of God, God's Love, life lessons in God, Obey God, Reading Bible, Spiritual Growth, Strength in God, Trust God, Wisdom of God, Word of God

God’s One Thing

In the 1991 film City Slickers, the Jack Palance  character goes on about the secret of life boiling down to One Thing. He tells the Billy Crystal character that it is for him to find out what that is, leaving Billy Crystal confused. Isn’t it wonderful that God has One Thing and He doesn’t leave… Read More God’s One Thing