This is a saying when dealing with fire if it’s on you – stop, drop and roll. You stop running around, drop to the ground and roll around. Rolling puts flames out. Running around in a panic gets you engulfed in those flames, creating a bigger problem.
1 Peter 5:7 states, “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.” A combination of other translations puts it like this:
Cast all, give all, leave all, put all, turn all, and roll all (seeing the trend? ALL!) your cares, anxieties, troubles, problems, worries, concerns upon Him (GIVE THEM TO HIM), because He cares for you, is interested in you and everything concerning you matters to Him.
So where does the title come in?
It is something God gave me during a time when I was stressing, worried, NOT giving Him all my problems. I was feeling really low when He suddenly said (in my Spirit, not an audible voice), “This would be a good time to stop, drop and roll.”
STOP: Stop focusing on the problem. Stop talking about it. Stop fretting and worrying. It’s a total dead end and won’t get you anywhere.
DROP: Drop to your knees (literally or figuratively) and pray. Repent for not having faith that God will take care of you. Spend some time in His Word. Spend time worshiping and thanking Him for taking care of you. Then tell God that from now on, you are going to:
ROLL: Roll every single care you have over onto Him. Give Him all your worries and stress. Tell Him you are turning everything over to Him and getting them out of your own hands. You can’t fix anything anyway.
After you’ve done this, spend time reading your Bible in the areas that will encourage you that He is faithful. Spend more time in His Word through listening to YouTube Services, Podcasts, Videos, CD’s, DVD’s, and reading faith-based books. Get your faith built up.
God IS faithful. He knows just what to do. He’s just waiting for you to give Him those problems so He can fix them for you. And… DON’T take them back!
I needed this today!!
Thanks, Nan!
Love you!
Great teaching, Nan❣️