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God’s Favor is Powerful

Hebrews 11:6 (CJB) – And without trusting (faith), it is impossible to be well pleasing to God, because whoever approaches Him must trust that He does exist and that He becomes a Rewarder to those who seek Him out.

Psalms 84:11 (NIV) –  For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless. 

Psalms 5:12  (NIV) – Surely, LORD, You bless the righteous; You surround them with Your favor as with a shield.

For more explanation of Favor, check out these posts here and here 

Awhile back a minister I follow said that you need to recognize and acknowledge things in your life that only God could have done. His way was simple; say “That’s the Favor of God!” He challenged people because the more you say that, the more it happens in your life.

God kept prompting me to do this. I am not going to tell you how long it took me to become faithful in this. Let’s just say that I wish I had started (obeyed) sooner.

He also pointed out in Hebrews 11:6 up there that by saying it is His Favor, I am acknowledging His existence and He rewards me.

Now I challenge you to leave yourselves notes to remember until it becomes a habit. I challenge you to begin saying, “That’s the Favor of God” when it becomes obvious God did something for you.  I double dog Scooby Doo dare you to do this.

A few “favors” God has done for me? Some are dramatic and some are just a feel-good thing. A feel-good would be suddenly finding something you had given up on finding. A dramatic favor was God protecting an expensive down comforter that had been in a plastic bag in storage for 3 years and no one could find where it was. 

On the comforter, after he moved me back to Arkansas, my son took it upon himself to look for it. He said it was suddenly there, in the second bag he looked in. I thought it was in a packing box but he looked in plastic bags. That’s the Favor of God.

From little (my coffee brand suddenly going on sale) to major (someone scraped the snow off my driveway and sidewalk without me knowing it), the Favor of God  “surrounds” me, more and more.

I’ve had even more dramatic times of Favor. And it’s true, the more I acknowledge His favor, the more it happens!