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Loose Lips Sink Futures

World War II poster by Seymour R. Goff

*This World War II poster, Loose lips sink ships, meant “beware of unguarded talk”.

This type of poster was part of a general campaign to advise servicemen and other citizens to avoid careless talk that might undermine the war effort. 

One AI said it meant “to be careful what you say as careless talk can have serious consequences. It was to remind people to not share sensitive information or military secrets that could help the enemy.

Doesn’t that remind you of the devil?

We have a far worse enemy (and his followers) lurking around trying to capture our words so he can destroy our lives – “steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10a) our health, relationships, future, or anything we hand him through our mouth.

1 Peter 5:8 (NLT) – Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

You notice it doesn’t say anywhere in any translation that he IS a lion who can devour you because he wants to. He comes after your words and fear.

People think God handed Job over to the devil to test his faithfulness. JOB handed himself over to the devil through the words of his mouth and his overwhelming FEAR. 

Job said, “… the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me.” (Job 3:25)

He was constantly making sacrifices to God JUST IN CASE his kids sinned. FEAR motivated him, not faith.  He received what he said and feared.

Listen to the words coming out of your mouth. Years ago, I heard someone say that whatever she said, she’d add, “And that’s just the way I want it” (or “like it”) at the end.

She was practicing hearing what she was saying. If it was Bible contrary (“I just can’t seem to lose this weight”) and she didn’t want it to come to pass (or keep coming to pass), she’d repent, tell the devil he can’t have her words, then say what God said.**

God will help you hear your words (if you ask Him). But beware – it will shock you how many wrong things you say and reap. “I get the flu this time every year” or “I just know I’m going to get Covid”.

Loose lips can sink your future.

**Philippians 4:13

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