All Posts, Healing & God, Health & God, Nan's Posts, Read Bible, Spiritual Growth, Wisdom of God

Put Away False and Dishonest Speech

♥ Put away from you false and dishonest speech, and willful and contrary talk put far from you.  Proverbs 4:24   I used to believe this verse meant, “Don’t cuss”,  you know like “dam* and hel* – worldly curse words – but it’s worse. A lot of Christians curse. Today I read this verse in the… Read More Put Away False and Dishonest Speech

All Posts, God is Good, God's Love, Our Authority in God, The Blessing of God, Word of God, Words, Words of Your Mouth

What You Say is What You Get

I’ve been reading a book by Don Gossett written in 1973 entitled “What You Say is What You Get“.  I’ve read many books and booklets by him over the years (Praise Avenue) so he’s an author I trust. This book is not too long but it is so powerful that if you “get” what it’s… Read More What You Say is What You Get

All Posts, Authority in God, Favor of God, God is Good, God's Love, Healing & God, Health & God, Hear God's Voice, Trust God, Word of God, Words of Your Mouth

Don’t Take Ownership of Problems

Many years ago, I was watching Minister Benny Hinn during a healing meeting. He said something that stuck with me ever since. (Paraphrase)  After an excellent sermon, he prayed. There was a woman in a wheelchair who’d been brought up on the stage. She hadn’t walked in years. She’d been prayed for many times to… Read More Don’t Take Ownership of Problems

All Posts, God is Good, life lessons in God, Our Authority in God, The Blessing of God, Trust God, Wisdom of God, Words of Your Mouth

Speak What You Want Not What You Don’t

Some of you may have noticed my sporadic posting lately. I have been dealing with a few things since my website was hacked. Even one of the defensive software programs blocked me out after I got back in. I was unable to log in after I changed my password to a safer one. I had… Read More Speak What You Want Not What You Don’t

All Posts, Spiritual Growth, Trust God, Wisdom of God, Word of God, Words of Your Mouth


Life or death is in our mouth. Not just physical life and death but life and death of dreams, aspirations, marriages, health, relationships, or all things pertaining to this life. God has a language He wants us to learn and speak. Unfortunately, the devil has one he wants us to speak, too. Mostly we’ve already… Read More THERE IS POWER AND LIFE IN OUR MOUTH