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It Is Finished – What Is?

… He said, It is finished! …  John 19:30a   I was born again at age 12. I had heard or read multiple times in the ensuing years that Jesus said that line above before He died. I never thought about what it might mean. I had heard it preached several times that it meant that… Read More It Is Finished – What Is?

All Posts, God is Good, Gods Safety Protection, Hear God's Voice, Holy Spirit, life lessons in God, Nan's Posts, Obey God, protection, Trust God, Wisdom of God

Hinderance to Healing 3a: Disobedience 2

Leland and I were ministering in a Bible Study group. Leland made the statement that the Holy Spirit always warns us of danger. We may not always “hear” or discern it or obey or listen to that voice – but He always does. (John 16:13) A man immediately interjected that this was not true. The… Read More Hinderance to Healing 3a: Disobedience 2

All Posts, Angels, Gods Safety Protection, Living in Dangerous Times, Nan's Posts, protection, Read Bible, Spiritual Growth, Strength in God, Trust God, Words of Your Mouth

The First Special Forces – God and Angels

~~I’m re-posting (some modifications) a few older Musings. I’m up to my ears in unpacking, trusting the Holy Spirit to help me find things I can’t find. I’ll be back but in the meantime, enjoy these oldies!~~ ♥ God is the first Special Force. Just like the Army’s Rangers, Navy’s SEALs, Green Berets, and the… Read More The First Special Forces – God and Angels

All Posts, Gods Safety Protection, life lessons in God, protection, Spiritual Growth, Words, Words of Your Mouth

You Can’t Just Say Any Old Thing

There is a popular English children’s rhyme* that was apparently first coined in 1830. Sticks and Stone may break my bones But words will never hurt me There are many variations of this rhyme, all forms of telling people that words won’t hurt you like sticks and stones can.  IT IS A BIG FAT LIE… Read More You Can’t Just Say Any Old Thing