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A Prayer of Protection

archangel michael in golden armour sized

I recently heard this prayer on YouTube by a minister I follow and trust. I felt it was so good that I want to share: 

“Father, I thank You so much that the angels have been given a command from You and that command is to watch over us lest we dash our foot against a stone.

“Thank You that we can have confidence that the angels are on their duty and I pray for supernatural protection for those who are praying with me right now that there will be no hurt, harm or danger to them – or to your family members.

“And I pray in Jesus Name a hedge of protection around you and your family and your friends.

“In Jesus name, I rebuke danger, I rebuke assassinations, I rebuke any attempt of the enemy to try to kill, steal or destroy.

“I declare that the angels of God are on the job, that the Spirit of God is on the job, that the command that God has given out will be carried out and I thank God for Your divine protection right now in Jesus name, amen (so be it).”

–Pastor Creflo Dollar (skip any ads)