All Posts, Angels, God is Good, God's Love, Gratitude, life lessons in God, Nan's Posts, Our Authority in God, The Blessing of God, Trust God, Wisdom of God, Words of Your Mouth

The Importance of “Pleading the Blood”

Revelation 12:11a (TPT) – They conquered him (devil) completely through The Blood of the Lamb (Jesus) and the powerful word of His testimony… Hebrews 10:23 –  Let us hold fast the profession (or confession, what we say) of our faith without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised;) The first time I heard the phrase… Read More The Importance of “Pleading the Blood”

All Posts, Angels, Gods Safety Protection, Living in Dangerous Times, Nan's Posts, protection, Read Bible, Spiritual Growth, Strength in God, Trust God, Words of Your Mouth

The First Special Forces – God and Angels

~~I’m re-posting (some modifications) a few older Musings. I’m up to my ears in unpacking, trusting the Holy Spirit to help me find things I can’t find. I’ll be back but in the meantime, enjoy these oldies!~~ ♥ God is the first Special Force. Just like the Army’s Rangers, Navy’s SEALs, Green Berets, and the… Read More The First Special Forces – God and Angels

All Posts, Angels, Favor of God, God is Good, God's Love, Gratitude, Holy Spirit, Read Bible

Angels, Holy Spirit, the Duvet, and Me

Hebrews 1:14 (TPT)  What role then, do the angels have? The angels are spirit-messengers sent by God to serve those who are going to be saved (or already are).  John 14:26b (CJB)  … He (the Holy Spirit) will teach you all things in My (Jesus) name. And He will inspire you to remember every word… Read More Angels, Holy Spirit, the Duvet, and Me