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Speak What You Want Not What You Don’t

Some of you may have noticed my sporadic posting lately. I have been dealing with a few things since my website was hacked. Even one of the defensive software programs blocked me out after I got back in. I was unable to log in after I changed my password to a safer one.

I had other issues happen, too. Thank God for a wonderful hosting provider, Register4Less.  He got me back online to this website (and didn’t make me feel stupid). He couldn’t help me with the defense program (it was a plug-in) but God showed me where to disable it without logging in (which I couldn’t anyway).

Now I’m saying all this because God prompted me what to say each time (nothing to anyone), what I wanted and to believe He would take care of everything for me. That was difficult – keeping my mouth shut in the face of seemingly impossible situations. 

The only one I told was my son (with God’s permission). He always has an excellent Word-based stance and encouragement for me. He points out if I say something ignorant. He keeps me on track.

So after the many website messes, I had an unusually miraculously, quick and easy restoration this last time. Only the God of restoration. 

One other “mouth-related” miracle. We had some warmer (relatively) weather so I quit using the oil heater. It was mainly to protect my plants in the garage and my washer (which is against an outer wall in a room off the garage. It has no heat vent).

I decided to do laundry and the washer made some weird noises. There were other “wrong” actions and sounds. I finally decided it had been cold enough to affect it, so I turned it off.

I called my son to come unplug it for me because I couldn’t reach it. Josh couldn’t come right away. I went to do something else and shortly realized the washer had turned itself back on. I pressed the off button again but it didn’t turn it off. It did nothing. None of the buttons did. I prayed and God showed me how to shut it down.*

God reminded me again to watch my words and not share the devil’s trick (thus giving him “glory”) but to glorify Him only. I wanted to price new washers. I wanted to freak and whine. I kept my mouth shut and actions expectant.

I reminded the devil I was a tither, I reminded him that “no weapon formed against me will prosper” (and any other scriptures I could think of). I thanked God I had tither’s rights and I had a right to no loss or destruction. (I don’t know where that came from except God said to say it!)

That night the devil tried to beat me up with defeatist thoughts. I couldn’t sleep, tossing and turning. I finally got smart and just began saying, “I cast the care of this on the Lord” over and over (1 Peter 5:7).

The next morning I woke up with the thought to do laundry. I went to the laundry room, turned the washer to wash mode, then on and “ta-da” – it worked just fine. Do I know how or why? Nope. ONLY GOD!

These are just two examples of the importance of the words of your mouth. Speak what you want, not what you have or don’t want, Words are THAT important.

Remember, life (of self and things) and death are in the power of your tongue.

*There was a place on the washer’s control panel that was blank and pointing the arrow to it turned everything off

Picture credit The Blazing Center