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Extravagant Benefits of God

Psalm 103:2 states not to forget God’s benefits then lists them. In the original manuscript, “benefits” uses the word “reward” like a present or a gift. 

Here are a few of the rewards we are given from our God. I tossed in a couple of other scriptures in this list:

  1. He forgives all our faults and mistakes;
  2. He heals ALL (get that? ALL) our diseases and sicknesses;
  3. He purchased our life from destruction;
  4. He surrounds us with kindness and favor, and cherishes us;
  5. He helps us be content with good things (prosperity, wealth, welfare);
  6. He helps us stay young (youthful);
  7. He performs righteous deeds and judgments for all who are disheartened, discouraged;
  8. He will make His ways known to us (no secrets or mysteries);
  9. He loves us unconditionally and bends down in kindness to us; bestowing favor on us;
  10. He is slow to anger and overflows in mercy;
  11. He has not dealt with us according to our mistakes and faults (i.e., we don’t get what we deserve);
  12. He has taken ALL our mistakes and as far as the east is from the west, removed them from us;
  13. His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting;
  14. He even gives us angels who heed His Word and do His pleasure for us.
  15. He will trample our sins under His feet and throw them into the depths of the ocean! 
  16. He blots out our transgressions for His own sake, and will not remember our sins
  17.  He will remember our sins no more

Psalms 68:19 in King James, “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah*.

Being the God of our salvation is even more important. This is a word that is often misunderstood.

Salvation doesn’t just mean going to heaven. In the original transcript the word means: freedom, deliverance, prosperity, to be safe; to free or succor: – avenging, defend, deliver and deliverer, to help, to preserve, to rescue, save, savior, get victory.

When you got saved, ALL the above became yours. Really good benefits.

I challenge you to dig into the Bible and start writing down God’s benefits that you find. They will help you to understand just how much He loves us!


*Selah basically means “Pause and think about that”

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