All Posts, Favor of God, Healing & God, Hear God's Voice, Nan's Posts, Reading Bible, Spiritual Growth, The Blessing of God, Wisdom of God, Word of God

Why Put God’s Word First Place

As a Christian, there are many reasons why we need to put God’s Word (the Bible) first place in our life*. First and foremost is that God and His Word are One. (John 1:1)  Basically, to read the Bible is to understand and know God, His ways, His will. People believe that “man” wrote the… Read More Why Put God’s Word First Place

All Posts, Favor of God, God is Good, Gratitude, Health & God, Holy Spirit, Nan's Posts, Our Authority in God, Read Bible, Spiritual Growth, The Blessing of God, Word of God

A Holy Spirit Story #2

One thing I’ve discovered after hooking up with the Holy Spirit is that sometimes I just THINK of something I’d like and BAM, it comes. The other day I was thinking about how I’d really like to have a pizza for supper. Since my son has my car right now, and it was a weekend,… Read More A Holy Spirit Story #2

All Posts, dreams, Favor of God, Long Life, Nan's Posts, Obey God, Plan of God, Read Bible, The Blessing of God, Trust God, Wisdom of God, Words of Your Mouth

It’s Never Too Late For You, Redux

Colonel Sanders began his Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise in his 60s Etiquette expert Emily Post didn’t write her first etiquette book until she was in her 50s Painter Grandma Moses didn’t pick up a paint brush until her 70s, and wasn’t discovered until her 80s. Ian Fleming (author of James Bond fiction character) didn’t write his first novel… Read More It’s Never Too Late For You, Redux

All Posts, Favor of God, God is Good, God's Love, Gratitude, life lessons in God, Nan's Posts, Reading Bible, Spiritual Growth, Strength in God, Thanksgiving, The Blessing of God, Trust God

Giving Thanks

It used to be hard celebrating Thanksgiving after my husband suddenly moved to heaven. His birthday was also the 27th, Double whammy. We shared cooking and celebrating with family that day. He had his favorite recipes. He grilled or deep fried the best turkey. We also had a turducken. After my parents both died, we… Read More Giving Thanks

All Posts, Favor of God, God is Good, God's Love, Nan's Posts, Read Bible, The Blessing of God, Word of God

Extravagant Benefits of God

Psalm 103:2 states not to forget God’s benefits then lists them. In the original manuscript, “benefits” uses the word “reward” like a present or a gift.  Here are a few of the rewards we are given from our God. I tossed in a couple of other scriptures in this list: He forgives all our faults… Read More Extravagant Benefits of God