All Posts, life lessons in God, Nan's Posts, Plan of God, Reading Bible, Spiritual Growth, Word of God, Words of Your Mouth

It Is What It Is… Or Is It?

“It is what it is…” was apparently first coined around 1949, rising in popularity from the 1990’s forward.  Now, we occasionally hear it in films or uttered by famous people, or even someone we know around us. It pretty much just means “accept it and move on.” It’s very fatalistic. So the other night, right… Read More It Is What It Is… Or Is It?

All Posts, Blessing of God, God's Love, Nan's Posts, Spiritual Growth, Words of Your Mouth

Sticks and Stones AND Words HURT

There is a small children’s nursery rhyme most of us learned growing up – usually in response to some bully calling us names.  It first appeared approximately 1844.  There are many variations but the basic is: Sticks and stones may break my bones But names (or words) will never harm me. You know what?  Neurologists… Read More Sticks and Stones AND Words HURT

All Posts, Authority in God, Health & God, life lessons in God, Long Life, Nan's Posts, Obey God, Spiritual Growth, Words of Your Mouth

YOU Are Killing Your Future With Your Mouth Redux

Do  you know you can be killing your future with your mouth? As the World War II poster above states, “Loose Lips Sink Ships”.  Loose lips sink ships is an idiom meaning “beware of unguarded talk”.  This phrase was coined as a slogan during WWII as part of the US Office of War Information’s attempt to… Read More YOU Are Killing Your Future With Your Mouth Redux

All Posts, Authority in God, Gods Safety Protection, Nan's Posts, Plan of God, The Blessing of God, Word of God, Words of Your Mouth

Power for a Better Life

Recently, Leland and I have been reading a chapter a day from the Book of Proverbs. It has been VERY eye-opening. There are so many scriptures about how danger, trouble, hurt, distress, and the like, are NOT supposed to touch us as children of God. Yet if you look around, that certainly is not what… Read More Power for a Better Life