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LIDT: You ARE More Than A Conquerer

Rom 8:37  (TPT) Yet even in the midst of all these things (verses above this one), we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!

Conqueror – to vanquish beyond, that is, to gain a decisive victory (from: to literally subdue which means to bring [a country or people] under control by force – in this case, the force is the victory Jesus already won FOR you – so you reinforce it by your words)

We not only conquer, we MORE than conquer. God says YOU are MORE than a conqueror. You not only WIN, you really, really win. 

We will easily and quickly confess defeat – “I can’t win” “Nothing ever goes right for me” “I just can’t catch a break” – this is defeat talk, not conqueror talk. You keep speaking it and you move on over into the devil’s playground. He will work to defeat you at every turn – even though God says YOU more than conquer him. YOU. 

You may not feel like a conqueror. It may not seem like you are a conqueror. It may not look like you are a conqueror. So what takes you over to the winning side? Your confession that you are what God says you are. More than a conqueror.

What you see in God’s Word will create the reality of itself in your life. It is a scriptural law, a principle, if you will. You reap what you sow. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Many scriptures bear this out. (Gal 6:7, Prov 23:7) 

Unfortunately, the reciprocal is also true. The more you confess contrary to what God says, defeat, THAT (the devil’s words) begins to create the reality of defeat in your life. 

This is why it is important to read your Bible – so you KNOW what and who GOD says you are. Not satan, not the world, not your family, not your doctor, not your banker, not your friends – ONLY what GOD says.

In these times we live in, it is important to line up on the winning side; to find out just what Jesus died for you to have. It is far beyond just going to heaven when you die. Salvation is: rescue or safety (physically or morally): – deliver, health, salvation, save, saving. We need that.

Begin declaring that you are MORE than a conqueror (no matter how ridiculous it feels in the beginning). Would you rather feel silly but confess what God says you are (until you see it) or would you rather be defeated at every turn?

The decision is yours.

3 thoughts on “LIDT: You ARE More Than A Conquerer

  1. “This is why it is important to read your Bible – so you KNOW what and who GOD says you are. Not satan, not the world, not your family, not your doctor, not your banker, not your friends – ONLY what GOD says.”

    We overcome by the word of our testimony (what comes out of our mouth) and by the blood of the Lamb. Rev. 12:11

  2. Carolyn, you’re absolutely right! I’m currently reading a book that Nan recommended in another post: The Blood and the Glory. By the blood of the Lamb and our testimony, we can (and will!) overcome!

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