All Posts, Angels, Gods Safety Protection, LITD, Living in Dangerous Times, Our Authority in God, Words of Your Mouth

LIDT: Your Angels

Years ago, I used to waitress. One thing I recall is that we were never to stand around waiting for customers to come in. We were always supposed to be doing something from cleaning, refilling condiments, to putting up supplies. Our boss had told us what he expected from us. We “hearkened to the voice of his word.”

When a customer arrived, they would place their food order. When the food was ready, we would go get the food. We made sure everything was as the customer ordered, then bring that order to the customer.

Our job as waitresses was to ensure the customer received everything they ordered, and then some. We were ministering to (waiting on) that customer.

Were we not all waitresses, sent forth to minister to them who were placing an order?

Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? (Hebrews 1:14)

Angels are ministering spirits. They are sent to serve us. Just as a waitress serves the customer, angels are sent to serve us.  Most angels are standing around waiting for us to speak, to have something to do – to be sent, to be given an order.

What is that order? Psalms 103:20, “Bless the LORD, O you His angels, you mighty ones who do His bidding, Obedient to His spoken word”.  

If a customer in the restaurant never told me what he wanted to order, I could not bring his order to him. Same with angels. They can only do God’s bidding – God’s Word – in our life. Without “placing the order” the angels hands are tied.

God has a lot to say about our safety and protection (like Psalms 91:11. “For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways”). Find those scriptures and begin quoting (confessing) them. Speak what God says. Ask your angels to protect you. 

This is a two-part series. I will finish this post next Thursday.

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