All Posts, Favor of God, Healing & God, Hear God's Voice, Nan's Posts, Reading Bible, Spiritual Growth, The Blessing of God, Wisdom of God, Word of God

Why Put God’s Word First Place

As a Christian, there are many reasons why we need to put God’s Word (the Bible) first place in our life*. First and foremost is that God and His Word are One. (John 1:1)  Basically, to read the Bible is to understand and know God, His ways, His will. People believe that “man” wrote the… Read More Why Put God’s Word First Place

All Posts, Gratitude, Nan's Posts, Our Authority in God, Strength in God, The Blessing of God, Trust God, Wisdom of God, Words of Your Mouth

God Said to Me, “Shut Your Mouth”

Proverbs 18:21 (TPT) –  Your words are so powerful that they will kill or give life, and the talkative person will reap the consequences.  ♥ Back in the beginning of December 2023, a friend sent me a gift card from a popular chain store for $200 for Christmas. To say it knocked me for a… Read More God Said to Me, “Shut Your Mouth”

All Posts, Angels, God's Love, Gratitude, Holy Spirit, Nan's Posts, Thanksgiving, Trust God


You can pass through His open gates with the password of praise. Come right into His presence with thanksgiving. Come bring your thank offering to Him and affectionately bless His beautiful name! Psalms 100:4 (TPT) Are you really thankful? Most people say, “Yes!” because, as Christians, it’s expected of us. It would almost seem sacrilegious… Read More 2024 – GIVE THANKS

All Posts, Favor of God, Finances and God, God is Good, God's Love, Our Authority in God, prosperity of God, Read Bible, The Blessing of God, Trust God, Wisdom of God, Word of God

Is God Abusive?

A long time ago I heard the story about the richest man in town. He had 2 children he loved ferociously. They also loved their father very much. He wanted to keep the children humble because of their privileged lifestyle. He was afraid that his great wealth would cause them to become selfish and to… Read More Is God Abusive?

All Posts, Favor of God, God is Good, God's Love, Holy Spirit, Nan's Posts, Our Authority in God

Alone Time With the Holy Spirit (How I Learned to Shut Up)

Recently, the Holy Spirit reminded me that He had asked me to start my days spending time with Him. I kind of let that alone time become sporadic. I started this practice last year after Leland died. My friend Susan told me about it – and to have a notepad ready because He would talk… Read More Alone Time With the Holy Spirit (How I Learned to Shut Up)