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God Said to Me, “Shut Your Mouth”

Proverbs 18:21 (TPT) –  Your words are so powerful that they will kill or give life, and the talkative person will reap the consequences. 

Back in the beginning of December 2023, a friend sent me a gift card from a popular chain store for $200 for Christmas. To say it knocked me for a loop is an understatement.  I really needed that money.

In the middle of December I went ahead and renewed my old Norton 360 with the card for $50. I purchased some groceries from Amazon. They don’t charge your card until they get ready to ship.

Three days later I got a notification from Amazon that my (gift) card was rejected. I went to check it and I had a zero balance, the $150 had been stolen, The card number had been used by someone to purchase things I didn’t.

First I prayed and asked God to get me that money back. I knew nothing was impossible for God no matter what people say.

I notified the card holder that I did not make those purchases. I also found out through a Google search that those cards are facing a lawsuit.

Apparently unscrupulous people could scan the barcode from the card and put it back. When someone buys the card and uses it, then the unscrupulous people will steal the money off of it.

So, of course, the pressure was on to believe what I read on Google about the impossibility of getting my money back. I wanted to tell everyone what had happened.

God immediately said, “Shut your mouth and don’t say a word and don’t tell anybody (except Josh)”.  Josh, my son, is my prayer partner because he really believes God for the impossible and he’s a strong believer about the words of our mouth.

The notification I received after my claim back in December said it could take up to three months before I heard anything. Honestly? That is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, keeping my mouth shut for three months about this money and card.

Now I know why God shut Zechariah’s mouth (Luke1)!  Zechariah had to be quiet for 9 months because he didn’t believe! God had to shut that mouth of doubt because those words would stop what God was doing.

I finally got an email last week that said they approved my claim and they were issuing me a new card with the remaining funds stolen from my former card ($150). 

On Wednesday of this week, my new card (a debit card) was in the mail. I am grateful to the gift card company for being honorable and helping me recover the stolen money – but more importantly, I am grateful God helped me keep my mouth SHUT the whole 3 months.

That’s why it is important to only speak life, only speak what you want and NOT what you don’t want, and only speak God’s Word.   

1 thought on “God Said to Me, “Shut Your Mouth”

  1. Greetings from INDIA in the mighty name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I praise the Lord for this wonderful opportunity to write to you who lives in the other part of the world.

    My name is: Paparao and I am a Pastor here in India in New Life church. My self and my fellow pastors and evangelists are working to spread the living message of Jesus Christ by gospel tract distribution, conducting small street corner meetings, house to house visits, conducting street corner meetings, helping the people with food, medical aid, providing drinking water by digging bore wells, giving education to the less fortunate and backward class children etc. We are doing word and deed type of ministry to get souls for the kingdom of God.

    Many are perishing with out knowing the name of Jesus Christ. God has given a burden to me and to my fellow pastors and evangelists to reach the unreached millions with the word of God. People are worshipping the creation and nature rather than worshipping the creator. It is our life’s commitment to reach the people to share the message of His Death and Resurrection. Many are receiving healing and they are accepting Jesus as their personal savior and God. God is answering our prayers. Isaiah 6:8 and Matthew 28: 19-20

    In this connection, we request you for your prayers. We are believing that God will help us to continue this work more effectively to bring souls for His kingdom. If at all possible, Please visit India to share the word of God with our rural pastors and evangelists to encourage them to do more work for Jesus. Kindly pray as we have some social outreach programs to share the Love of Jesus Christ in reality like free schools, rural health camps, Drinking water to the rural poor, Food for the hungry children, medical help and food to the lepers and homeless.

    Yours in Christ, Zella:

    Pastor. Paparao

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