Dust Bunnies in the wind
All we are is dust bunnies in the wind…
This song – well, something like it* – was made popular in the seventies. The lyrics were catchy and stuck with you. People sang or hummed the song without thought.
The problem with those words is that they are not true. We are not dust, much less dust bunnies, in the wind. We are not supposed to go through life aimlessly, without focus. We were put on this earth for a purpose and that purpose is not to roll around like dust bunnies, gathering more and more dust until we are totally ineffective to the Kingdom of God!
I want to make it clear that every human life is of precious value to God–special, wonderful, full of potential. The Bible states that God has plans for us, for our welfare, not for disaster.
Jesus said that He didn’t come to do His own will but His Father’s will. The reason He came to earth was to destroy the works of the devil. He also gave Himself for our sins so that He might deliver us from this present evil world.
While Jesus was here, He destroyed the works of the devil and He delivered us from every power of darkness.
Then He said to us, “Go and do likewise!”
If God’s plan for Jesus was to destroy and deliver – then that is our plan, too – to destroy the works of the enemy and deliver people! Don’t let the word “destroy” scare you – it just means that anything the devil means for bad (and that’s everything he does), you can turn it around by helping people.
Not everyone is called to publicly speak, preach, sing, or minister. Some people are called to be business-men and -women, making money to help fund the gospel. Some are called as intercessors, interceding and supporting through prayer. No great ministry on earth got there without prayer backup.
Sometimes we think our small little corner of the world is not important and couldn’t possibly impact the Kingdom of God. That is not true! We are called to be soldiers – great warriors – destroying and delivering! And the wonderful thing is, there is something inside you – something you are graced to do – that God calls you to use to help accomplish this. It is a burning desire, something that drives you but you may not see it as important to God. You may scribble poems that could be turned into worship songs. There is something.
We tend to think it is difficult to serve God – that He wants us to do something impossible, or even worse, something we would hate to do. God has enough trouble getting people to do what He wants. Why would He call us to do something difficult or hard to do? He won’t.
You may be very good at encouraging others. It can be as simple as an encouraging word to someone who was getting ready to quit the ministry. The devil may have been deceiving them into thinking they were not doing any good as a minister. One encouraging word, spoken by you for God, and they stood up straight and went on to help hundreds get saved!
Maybe you are to help a person see through the Word that God wants them healed of some disease or sickness. You may have a wonderful healing testimony to share or just have a driving need to share God’s healing power with others.
Maybe it is to raise children who will take the world for Jesus. This IS a very real calling. It is also something the devil has attacked and caused others to look at with disdain. Raising godly children IS a calling and ministry.
Maybe it involves tucking some money into a single mother’s hand in church one Sunday; that can turn her life around and change it forever. I have a friend who is a hairstylist. To the thrill of the people there, she donates her time a few times a month at a local nursing home.
Hold your own head up! Straighten your shoulders and face each day with renewed excitement and anticipation!
Realize that everything you say and do can impact the Kingdom of God in a positive way. You ARE His hands, feet, eyes, ears, mouth, and person here on earth.
Whatever it is, it is important to God. It is not just dust bunnies in the wind!
Jeremiah 29:11
John 10:10
John 5:30
Heb. 2:15
1 John 3:8b
*Dust in the Wind, song released by the band “Kansas” in 1977
Sharing the goodness of God:
Very good! So many have been deceived into thinking they are not important to Jesus but that is so far from the truth. No matter what, we know the Blood is greater and we are important.