I have so many stories of how God has provided for Leland and me. Some of them I’m stilling shaking my head over and thinking, “HOW did He do that??”
I finally learned it is not my job to know how He did it, it is just my job to believe He will do it. Here is one story.
Several years ago, we felt impressed to begin to change our diet and eat healthier. We learned the benefits of drinking organic raw cows milk, farm fresh eggs and the like. We decided to make the switch from store-bought dairy.
You may be asking, “What does this have to do with supernatural provision?” The answer is that finding people who provided farm fresh milk, eggs, etc., was not easy. They were out there but not advertising!
For the first few years God led us to sources of fresh farm milk and eggs. If one door closed, another opened – someone quit selling, others moved but somehow another source would come. Leland’s take was always, “God knows I need a source for milk and eggs. He’ll come through” and God always did.
After we moved to this house, we met several wonderful Mennonite people who provided us everything we needed and then some. Then the last one moved out of state and left us all alone. Several months went by and nothing.
Leland kept saying, “God knows I need a source for milk and eggs. He has always provided and come through for me.” He just believed and waited. It wasn’t anything he thought about.
One day he called me from his office (which, in the picture is in the upper left corner from my office window). He said, “Did you see anyone come up the driveway?”

My office has two windows – one facing the front driveway and one facing the parking lot. I told him no one had been by. The long private driveway is close to my office so I would have seen anyone coming up that driveway.

At that time, his Hummer was parked outside my office window so I would have known if someone came by. As you can see from the above picture, that is my side office window. His Hummer was where my car is – I would have seen someone.
He said, “Well, I found a note under my windshield wiper. It wasn’t there when I parked the Hummer. The note says, ‘Milk. Debbie. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx.'” We were both surprised.
There was no signature, we had no idea who left it there, not to mention how much trouble they would have had reaching the windshield wiper. The Hummer is a tall vehicle. Reaching was even awkward for Leland, who is tall.
So he called Debbie and indeed, she had fresh milk. She had NO idea who would have left a note with her phone number because she wasn’t looking to sell milk to anyone. She lived in another town (about 30 minutes from us). She asked if we had asked anyone about milk. No, we hadn’t. She hadn’t told anyone she had extra milk. We knew no one in common, much less people who would have known where we lived in the boonies up a private driveway.
They agreed it must have been God and she said if he would come by, she would sell him milk.
We never did find out how that note got under the windshield wiper. We all tried to figure it out but there literally was no way.
We chalked it up to angels. The Bible does say they are here to minister to us, after all.
It did teach us a big lesson – nothing is impossible for God – and nothing is too small for Him to provide even if He has to use angels to leave you a note!
Hey! You have His Word on it!
Hebrews 1:14
Luke 1:17
Philippians 4:19
God does care about everything going on in our lives. He did show me that no matter where I live He will provide my desires. After all He provided quail for a lot of people in the wilderness.
That is true. I think sometimes we think God only does huge miracles like parting the sea. We don’t trust Him for the small (to us) miracles like fresh milk and eggs – and perfume!