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A Holy Spirit Story #2

One thing I’ve discovered after hooking up with the Holy Spirit is that sometimes I just THINK of something I’d like and BAM, it comes.

The other day I was thinking about how I’d really like to have a pizza for supper. Since my son has my car right now, and it was a weekend, he was off work. I wasn’t going to bother him. 

Now understand, I just THOUGHT it. A little while later, there was a knock at my door. It was my son and he had a nice-sized to-go pizza for me. I asked why and he said he and his family had decided to go out for pizza for dinner and he decided to bring me one, too. 

I just stood there in shock for a minute and then exclaimed, “That’s the Favor of God and the Holy Spirit!” (He understands that.) He asked why and I told him how I’d just THOUGHT about a pizza a little while ago. Yes, I definitely said “thank You”!

He knows that this happens, that sometimes I just think something and it shows up. He understood and wasn’t surprised. He’s been used by the Holy Spirit before.

A few days later, I was just thinking about that pizza and how good God is. Here’s the fun part. A quiet voice suddenly said to me, “You have not because you ask not.”  (James 4:2). That’s all.

Wow. That calls for some meditation on that scripture! And not just about something as simple as a pizza.

God wants to do some amazing things for you in 2025. Learn about Him and the Holy Spirit.

In John 16:13 you learn that He (Holy Spirit) only speaks what the Father (God) says. So you will only hear something based on God’s Word and not some woo-woo stuff (like “go out into the street and bark like a dog then dance around and cluck like a chicken.”  I’m not saying He won’t say that but…).

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