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Crazy Praise and The Joy of the Lord

This might seem long but I add a lot of paragraphs so it’s easier to read. You should be able to skim through quickly. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ “I will give fervent thanks to the Lord…” Psalms 109:30, NAB “… for the joy of the LORD is your strength” Nehemiah 8:10b ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ The Joy of the Lord comes,… Read More Crazy Praise and The Joy of the Lord

All Posts, Forgiveness in God, Goals and Dreams, God is Good, God's Love, life lessons in God, Obey God, Plan of God, prosperity of God, Spiritual Growth, Trust God, Wisdom of God

Letting Go of the Past

Isaiah 43:18-19 – (NIV) (ERV)   “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past… because I am doing something new! Now you will grow like a new plant. Surely you know this is true. I will even make a road in the desert, and rivers will flow through that dry land. ♥♥ I… Read More Letting Go of the Past