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God and Rattlesnakes

For the rest of Summer, I am going to send a series of SHORT Musings – inspiration from others around me and from my own files of miracles (and other things) that God has done for this family, our friends and acquaintances.

Today I will start with my friend Laura Godsey and one of her angel stories.  We have both learned to put our angels to work for us and to “plead the blood” (a teaching on that later). 

Laura and her husband Joe (and daughter Olivia), ranch in Texas.  She has so many wonderful angel stories to tell and ways God has helped her on the ranch.  Here is Laura’s recent story:

“So, this year I prayed over the land, rebuking rattlesnakes in Jesus name.  We have not seen ONE on any of our land. There have been a TON in the county and not one seen on our land.

Yesterday I was on my neighbor’s Kabota (tractor) and when I went to get out, I saw 3 huge rattlesnakes moving away from me/the tractor, and our land.  It was like there was a force field around the tractor as I moved from one land to the other. 

The rattlesnakes were never on our land but because of the direction I was moving in, they continued moving away from me and our property.  They moved far enough away that it was safe for me to get off the tractor and get to my truck on my land. 

Thank you Lord for your protection.  I am bragging on God who has protected us from rattlesnakes!!”


There is nothing God (and His angels) won’t do for us. Our responsibility is to ask and believe He will!

Hebrews 1:14: (about angels) (BBE)  Are they not all helping spirits, who are sent out as servants to those whose heritage will be salvation?  Angels are a part of your salvation package!

Job 22:28  Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. 

(or my favorite translation, the Message:  You’ll decide what you want and it will happen; your life will be bathed in light.)

I don’t know about you, but I’m all about my life being bathed in Light!!

1 thought on “God and Rattlesnakes

  1. That is so awesome. I had not thought about the snakes but I see how it works. The angels are assigned to us to keep us in all of our ways by the words we speak. I will be making an adjustment.

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