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The Holy Spirit Will Show You Things to Come

(Jesus said)  Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter (the Holy Spirit, called to one’s aid, intercessor, helper, advocate) will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you.  John 16:7

When the Spirit of Truth (Holy Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own but will tell you what He has heard. He will tell you about the future.  John 16:13  NLT


I’ve been saved a loooong time (no, it’s none of your business). It was years before I learned about the Holy Spirit. Oh, I knew His name and of His existence, but I never noticed John 16:13 until later in my marriage – (about in the mid-2000’s).

Together, we had been reading aloud a chapter daily out of Proverbs. This was on top of our regular private time with God. Boy, Leland learned a lot about staying away from an evil woman!

Anyway, one day we both realized we were missing benefits. We were unaware that the Holy Spirit had His own jobs on earth. We had no personal relationship with Him.

We both had our prayer language (tongues) and used it, but we were missing a lot by not utilizing Him. We were not letting Him be our Comforter, not being grateful for what He wanted to do for us.

I have talked about Him in The Musing before but today I want to challenge you to study His jobs, characteristics, and ask Him to show you what you need to know.

Especially ask Him to help you know things to come. I even heard a minister say the devil can’t understand our prayer language so he can’t interfere or stop that type prayer.

Acknowledging the Holy Spirit changed our lives. We began to flourish in Leland’s cattle business. We had many more miracles in our lives.

The Holy Spirit would warn of danger to come. Saved our lives. He told Leland how to deal with the cattle to make his live easier (if he listened). He helps me find things I’ve lost. He keeps my mind fresh, active, able to remember words, etc.

He even woke me up (and then had me tell Leland) and talked of his impending death (like Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20). We both stupidly forgot about Hezekiah and Leland chose not to listen or believe I heard from God (a very rare occurrence for him).

Leland hated doctors but God said, “If you don’t go to the doctor, you’re going to die.” He had a swollen throat and tongue that progressively got worse over a year. He asphyxiated on water.

I had a lot of trouble with that – even felt guilty that he didn’t listen or that I didn’t remind him how many times God used me to tell him something (and vice versa). We didn’t even go double check with God – which we always did before.

But the Holy Spirt reminded me that it was between God and Leland. I wasn’t the Holy Spirit. I couldn’t force Leland to listen (even though he had for 27 years),

The truth is, because the Holy Spirit warned me, I was able to handle Leland moving to heaven for such a stupid reason than I would have without the warning.

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