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Speak Only What You Want

I came across a note I had written down, “If you don’t want it, don’t talk about it.”  The “it” being anything from sickness to pain to family or financial problems. I had also jotted down “Terrible Two’s”.

I never experienced those Terrible Twos with my son. I also never spoke those words. God dealt with me not to ever speak them the year before Josh turned two. He told me to continually confess that “I would never experience the terrible twos. I would ALWAYS have peace.”

The note was a good reminder never to speak what the world does (or Christians who speak contrary to God’s Word). Don’t believe anything they say that is either opposite of God’s Word or you can’t even find it in the Bible.

I did a search of the term “Terrible Twos” and part of it said that that time period is “often marked by tantrums and defiant behavior and it’s normal.” Nope, God doesn’t think it’s normal.

People have confessed it all the time, years, so it became the norm, “Oh I’m getting ready to go through the Terrible Two’s with my child”. Many times they confess their child was acting out the symptoms of Terrible Twos, so guess what the child was doing?  Whatever they confessed.

NONE of what “they” say in the world or what the so-called “experts” say (like “it’s a development phase”) can be found in the Bible. So if it’s not there, it’s not true.

In fact, when someone told me, “Just wait until Josh is in the Terrible Two stage. It’s awful”, God immediately spoke to me (inside), “Where is that saying, Chapter and Verse, in the Bible? You don’t ever say it. Only speak what I say and you want. Raise him according to My Word.”

I would tell Josh what God said about that behavior, explaining why we don’t do certain things (like dishonor, defy, talk back to, etc., our parents – *Hello?*  There’s a promise attached there: “… so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth” (Ephesians 6:1-3).

Josh did not go through that stage. Until someone can show me where “Terrible Two’s” is in the Bible, I won’t believe it. Josh is 43 now. He is a calm, mature, funny, thoughtful adult. He is also careful what he says, especially not saying something he doesn’t want.

This whole point is to ONLY speak what God’s Word says. Only speak what you want – positive not negative. (Proverbs 18:21, Mark 11:22-23 and many more scriptures)


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