As you may recall in a previous post, God told me to “Read a Chapter a day, one from Psalms and one from Proverbs”. I remember thinking, “How is that going to help me with healing?”
Well let me tell you, it does, simply because it is His Word. Faith (for anything from God) comes by hearing (and reading) by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17). Some symptoms left almost immediately; others are getting better and leaving. I AM healed.
I also discovered all sorts of things I didn’t know. They are especially important in the times we are living in.
As most of you know, there are a lot of changes going on in America and around the world. Especially in America, God put HIS man in office of President. Many evil-doers are trying to stop him and the changes he is working to implement to make America healthy again.
I recently saw a podcast (one of many saying this) prophesying that there is going to be great downfalls coming to those who oppose God and what He wants. I know most or us were thinking, “Good!” because of the oppression we’ve been under the past several years.
Then I came across a scriptura in Proverbs and remember thinking, “What? God! That’s NOT fair!”.
Proverbs 24:17 (AMP)
Do not rejoice and gloat when your enemy falls, And do not let your heart be glad [in self-righteousness] when he stumbles
Finally I realized that that attitude is NOT God’s idea of Walking in Love or a characteristic a Christian should have. We should NEVER want people to go to hell. We should NOT rejoice at their coming calamity.
No one said Walking in Love (Ephesians 5:2) was easy. If it was, everyone would easily do it. We should make it a priority to obey, especially when you consider the results in the next verse:
Proverbs 24:18a – (AMPC) Lest the Lord see it and it be evil in His eyes and displease Him…
I don’t know about you but I sure don’t want to be on God’s wrong side! And think of everything that attitude could affect in your life: healing, finances, things going well with you, and more.
WALK IN LOVE and pray for your enemies.