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2010 A Tale of Woe and Crazy Praise

The tale of woe might seem long (the rescue is shorter) but I add a lot of paragraphs so it’s easier to read. You should be able to skim through quickly. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ “I will give fervent thanks to the Lord…” Psalms 109:30, NAB In 1999, Leland and I faced a bad financial trial. EVERYTHING went… Read More 2010 A Tale of Woe and Crazy Praise

All Posts, Goals and Dreams, life lessons in God, Nan's Posts, Obey God, Reading Bible, Spiritual Growth, Word of God

Too Much Info, Not Enough Do

Anyone who thinks sitting in church can make you a Christian must also think that sitting in a garage can make you a car. –Garrison Keillor– —————————————————————  For the past several years, I have been studying and researching healthy life style alternatives, healthy foods, longevity, and things to do to live long and strong.  It… Read More Too Much Info, Not Enough Do