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God Always Supplies

And this same God who takes care of me
will supply all your needs from His glorious riches,
which have been given to us in Christ Jesus
Philippians 4:19  (NLT)


The Lord is my best friend and my shepherd.
I always have more than enough (I shall NOT want)
Psalm 23:1 NLT

Leland has been confessing Philippians 4:19 for years. No matter what we’ve face, he learned to state that, “God WILL supply.” It has been proven to us time and time again, but more so recently.

As most of you are aware, there are “shortages” in most stores stocking food and necessities. I want to share God’s ability, miracle, angels, whatnot with you. Whatever you call it, God provides.

I realize a couple of the food choices aren’t healthy but they are something Leland wants to eat once in awhile. Don’t judge (smile).

Leland has currently been doing the shopping. The other day he went to Brookshires grocery store deli for chicken, and the Holy Spirit prompted him to check the aisle that carries bologna.  He hesitated since he knew most stores were wiped out of things like that, then decided to obey the prompting. In that section, all by it’s lonesome, there was one package of the exact kind of bologna he likes (thick). ONE package sitting all by itself.

One day he went back to Walmart to get some catsup. The entire shelf had been emptied – EXCEPT one large bottle sitting by itself of the exact catsup we use.

The peanut butter aisle was empty but he leaned back and looked up at the highest shelf. Yes, again! Peanut butter (a brand he’s liked before). There were 3 jars but he could only reach one (which is all he wanted). The Jif brand I like? He was able to purchase the last jar a couple of days previously.

Plenty of my favorite butter. The potato bins were empty but there were 3 bags, one with the baking potato size we enjoy so he was able to pick up one.

The next time he went to Brookshires, he was again prompted. Lo and behold, the brand hot dogs he likes were all alone – in a space all by themselves. The coolest fact? There were two,  The tag says, “buy one get one for one penny”.

Last night he went to Walmart (hey, it’s only 5 minutes away) – I had an irritating symptom of runny nose and asked him to see if there were any cold capsules back on the formerly empty shelves. Again, lo and behold, as you can see, the Alka Seltzer brand I wanted was there with choices!

Today he went back to pick up something, and I asked him to check to see if any tomato sauce or paste was on shelf. Last week they were gone. Guess what? Even though it is empty around the little tins, this is the brand paste I like using. And no, he didn’t buy them all. Just what was on my list.

With the exception of toilet paper (which isn’t on the list right now because we have a few rolls), these items were things on our shopping lists. God has also provided items that were not on the list but were things we usually purchase – like a lone bag of shredded cheese! No it wasn’t there last time he went to the store and yes it was there today.

A few days ago I was able to go online on Amazon and purchase my favorite red beans and several boxes of Kleenex tissues – without getting an email stating, “I’m sorry these items of currently unavailable so we put them in your ‘save for later’ place online.” They are shipped and on their way.

Can I explain where these items come from – other than God? Can I explain the timing of some worker putting something on a shelf or in the cooler section so Leland can find the lone items at the exact perfect time – other than God? Can I explain that the EXACT type and brand items were on the shelves or in the cooler – other than God?  Can I explain the fact there were NO beans, canned or dried before, and today I wanted to make chili – and there was a bag of dry beans and a 7 pound can of baked beans available?  More than enough?  Other than God?

No. I can not, other than God supplying what we need and want. We also work to keep our mouths lined up with the Scriptures (God’s Word). And believe He is our source of all supply. He just keeps proving this to us – so if you are not speaking right, stop right now, repent and begin to speak the Word over your life. Dare to trust God to supply for you!

I am convinced that my God will fully satisfy every need you have, for I have seen the abundant riches of glory revealed to me through the Anointed One, Jesus Christ! Php 4:19 (TPT)

1 thought on “God Always Supplies

  1. It is so exciting to see this work. One item in plain site with people walking past it and just what I wanted. Time and time again God has provided. He never told us to hoard up but that we were to trust him to supply. We have not done without anything.

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