All Posts, Blessing of God, Favor of God, Finances and God, God is Good, Gods Safety Protection, Nan's Posts, prosperity of God, protection, Words of Your Mouth

NO Loss During This Time: Recover All

So many people are concerned whether they have a job – or a place of business – left after the Covid-19 finishes its run of fear through the world. Many businesses have a good chance to go out of business. Many people could possibly be unemployed But I have good news for you. God can… Read More NO Loss During This Time: Recover All

All Posts, life lessons in God, Nan's Posts, Plan of God, Reading Bible, Spiritual Growth, Word of God, Words of Your Mouth

It Is What It Is… Or Is It?

“It is what it is…” was apparently first coined around 1949, rising in popularity from the 1990’s forward.  Now, we occasionally hear it in films or uttered by famous people, or even someone we know around us. It pretty much just means “accept it and move on.” It’s very fatalistic. So the other night, right… Read More It Is What It Is… Or Is It?

All Posts, Authority in God, life lessons in God, Nan's Posts, Obey God, Plan of God, Spiritual Growth, Words of Your Mouth

Royalty, Protocol and God

So unless you’ve been offline for ages, you are aware of all the hoopla going on about the royal wedding we had this past weekend (May 19, 2018) . Meghan Markle, an American actress (read “commoner”)  married Prince Harry, the Queen’s grandson and sixth in line for the throne. As a”commoner” (i.e., someone NOT British… Read More Royalty, Protocol and God