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I’ll Keep My Mind. Thank You

One of the things the devil really likes to do is attack “older people”.  He loves to start in people’s 30’s. I remember listening to friends moan and groan about turning and being 30 and old.

The 40’s – out pops the old age jokes. You know, having Brain Fog. Hit your 50-60’s and it’s, “If my head wasn’t attached, I’d lose my mind.” “It’s all a downhill slide from now on.” On and on, from the 70’s onward.

People think it’s hysterically funny to joke about aging.  So does the devil. It’s one of his tricks. To convince you you’re words aren’t important.

1 Peter 5:8  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as (not is) a roaring lion, walking about, seeking whom he may devour (swallow down).  AND Proverbs 6:2  …you have been snared (lured, taken) by the words of your mouth, caught (trapped) by the words of your own mouth.  

People think it’s just a fact of life – as you age. you lose your capabilities and faculties, including your memory. BUT! That doesn’t match what the Word of God says.

The Word of God is what we are supposed to live by, not jokes. There are so many scriptures about flourishing in older age, with all ability and mental capacity. Hebrews 11:33-35a is just ONE set of scriptures about what we’re supposed to be doing down here on earth.

It doesn’t say anything about, “until they get older. Then they’ll follow the world and fall apart. Too bad. So sad. They USED to be so effective for God.” NO!

A couple of months ago, the enemy began attacking my memory. He attacked my ability to speak without forgetting a specific word I wanted to say. When I went to God about this, God immediately reminded me of 1 Corinthians 2:16b: “…we have the mind of Christ.”

He also reminded me that things will get worse if you don’t attack the attacker or stop his lies immediately. Speak God’s Word immediately. Speak aloud that you have the mind of Christ and remember everything.

Then He asked me if I thought Jesus went around forgetting words, sentences, sermons, and what He wanted to say to the people?  A RESOUNDING NO.

He told me to start saying that one sentence every time the enemy tried to make me forget. Every time I couldn’t think of a word, I started to say, “No devil. I have the mind of Christ and HE doesn’t forget so I won’t either.”  Almost immediately the word I was looking for would pop into my mind.

Always remember to thank the Holy Spirit, too.

I’m happy to report that the incidences began to stop almost immediately. The devil tried a couple of times to bring it back. Thank God that He is merciful and reminds me all the time to speak right.

God is good.

1 thought on “I’ll Keep My Mind. Thank You

  1. God IS good! All the time, not just sometimes! What a great reminder that getting older is not a death sentence. If we speak life, not death, we can live life abundantly and prosperously blessed beyond measure regardless of our age!

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