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Confession Brings Posession

Romana10:10 – For with the heart one believes unto righteousness (becomes right with God) and with the mouth one confesses unto salvation (all meanings of that word, including going to heaven, “getting saved”) (LITV)

Confession, as a Christian, simply means something you say about something, either positively or negatively. Most often consistently

What most of us don’t realize is that confession works for either good or evil. The best advice I ever heard was, “If you don’t want it, don’t say it’

Years ago I knew someone who, when there was a hint there might be lay-offs at work, they would spread the lay-off rumor and say, “I just know I’m going to be the first one who gets laid off.”

Most of the time the lay-off rumors were just that, rumors. But guess what? Yep. When there finally was a lay-off, they were the first one to get laid off.

I also know someone whose workplace recently experienced a major lay off. She was one of the last ones hired so most people would assume she’d be the first one laid off. However, her husband (with her) was one who always confessed she would not get laid off. She did not.

If you’re smart you will always confess scripture, what God says about everything. He never speaks negatively over you. (Proverbs 18:21)

No matter what it looks like or how long it seems to take, confession creates reality. If you have God’s Word on something, stand on that. Keep confessing the right thing.

No job? Confess God has a perfect job for you. Tell Him what you want. After you talk to Him about it, confess you have it and NEVER AGAIN say you are unemployed or without a job. You either believe what you prayed for… or you don’t.

If your faith gets a little shaky (which often happens when something seems to take time), get in your Bible and read and re-read all the promise scriptures – like:

“According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life… (all means ALL including jobs, spouses, homes, healing, etc.” (2 Peter 1:3a)