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Live By Your Words or God’s Words

Do you like where you are in life right now?
Are you happy with the way things are going?
Or do you wish you could be living in a better place in your finances? Health? Have your own home? Better relationships? Employment?

God is able to bless His people by faith in Him (Hebrews 11:6) and His Word. It’s not that we have to be perfect but faith opens the door for God to have access into our lives. It is necessary.

He wants to be able to remove any burdens and destroy anything contrary to an abundant life (John 10:10b). Most importantly He desires to make us a walking testimony – a display – of His desire to bless people, be good to them and prosper them. He wants us to live well so that others may know His goodness and that He is a good God.

It is impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6). And for faith to work, it has to be in two places – our heart (Control Center of our Inner Man) and our mouth (Romans 10:8).

Romans 10:10 – “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness (right-standing with God); and with the mouth (ours) confession is made unto salvation”. To think of salvation as only “get saved” or “going to heaven” – you cut off ALL the meanings of the word such as heal, preserve, do well, (to) be (make) whole, prosper, soundness (of mind)…

So how about replacing the word “salvation” with those other meanings?

“For with the heart, man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth, confession is made unto healing.” Or “confession is made unto prospering” or “confession is made unto being made whole in every area of life.”

In other words, what you believe deep down in your heart, is what you will speak. It depends on what you have been filling yourself with.

Full of the world news? Then that’s what comes out of your mouth. Gossip on Social Media? Same. Researching all the symptoms of a disease or sickness? That is what you will know the most about and speak. Filling yourself with God’s Word, the Bible, scripture? Then you are speaking life. 

When you speak what you believe out of your mouth (for good or for bad) that is what controls your life. What you are full of is what you will believe and speak.

You are walking in the best or worst times of your life now because of what you are (or have been) speaking (confessing). Why? Because God said in His Word that you can preserve life or destroy it by what you say (Proverbs 18:20).

It also says you will have what you say if you believe it (again, for bad or for good). (Mark 11:24). Full of bad news reports? That is what you will believe, speak, and reap.

Stop and realize that you are already living the results of the words of your mouth. If you don’t like those results, change what you are saying. (Matthew 12:34)

Remember, Bible faith works when you release God’s Word out of your mouth. Speak His Word only. You released words to get saved. Do so for all His promises!

If you say nothing, you generally receive nothing. If you speak doom and gloom, sickness and disease, being broke and having no or not enough money, that’s how you’ll live.

If you speak God’s Word, you will receive what He promised. And He promised us everything we need to prosper in and enjoy this life here on earth!

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