All Posts, Angels, God's Love, Gratitude, Holy Spirit, Nan's Posts, Thanksgiving, Trust God


You can pass through His open gates with the password of praise. Come right into His presence with thanksgiving. Come bring your thank offering to Him and affectionately bless His beautiful name! Psalms 100:4 (TPT) Are you really thankful? Most people say, “Yes!” because, as Christians, it’s expected of us. It would almost seem sacrilegious… Read More 2024 – GIVE THANKS

All Posts, Blessing of God, Christmas, God's Love, Gratitude, Reading Bible

Christmas Slow Down 2023

‘Tis the season… to be peaceful!  No stressing allowed! Less shopping, less trying for perfection, less cooking, less baking – if it takes away from enjoying the holiday make things like that less important. And for sure, less worrying about what others (including children) will think. This is the season of LOVE, not stress. More… Read More Christmas Slow Down 2023

All Posts, Favor of God, God is Good, God's Love, Gratitude, life lessons in God, Our Authority in God, The Blessing of God, Trust God, Words of Your Mouth


I’m sure most people have heard that saying, “It is what it is”.  It means (from Cambridge Dictionary): “(It is) used to say that a situation cannot be changed and must be accepted: We’re all imperfect human beings in an imperfect world.  It is what it is.”  It’s a fatalistic world view. If I believed that… Read More “It Is What It Is” IS NOT A SCRIPTURE

All Posts, Favor of God, God is Good, God's Love, Gratitude, Hear God's Voice, Nan's Posts, Our Authority in God, Plan of God, The Blessing of God, Trust God

God Can Move Supernaturally Quickly

The day my landlady told me she was selling the house (February 7) , I prayed with her that the house would sell supernaturally quickly. God had done that for Leland and me, so I knew He could do that. She has been very good to me these past almost two years (right after Leland… Read More God Can Move Supernaturally Quickly