All Posts, Favor of God, God is Good, God's Love, Hear God's Voice, Our Authority in God, Read Bible, Word of God

God’s Supply Chain

Luke 12:27-31 (TPT)    Think about the lilies. They grow and become beautiful, not because they work hard or strive to clothe themselves. Yet not even Solomon, wearing his kingly garments of splendor, could be compared to a field of lilies.     If God can clothe the fields and meadows with grass and flowers, can’t… Read More God’s Supply Chain

All Posts, God is Good, God's Love, Hear God's Voice, Holy Spirit, life lessons in God, Obey God, Our Authority in God, Plan of God, Read Bible, Spiritual Growth, The Blessing of God, Wisdom of God, Word of God

His Word Lights Your Way

One time when Leland and I were teaching in a small church, God gave us an illustration. The sanctuary we were in had no windows. He had me turn off all the lights, showing how dark it was in the room. He then had me light a small tea light candle. IMMEDIATELY that tiny light… Read More His Word Lights Your Way

All Posts, Blessing of God, Favor of God, Goals and Dreams, God is Good, God's Love, Health & God, Hear God's Voice, Long Life, Physical Growth, Plan of God, Read Bible, Spiritual Growth, Strength in God, The Blessing of God, Trust God, Wisdom of God

God Knows Your Name Redux

~~I’m going to repost a few older posts. I’ve been cleaning up the website and ran across a few I really enjoyed; hope you do, too!~~ In the animated Pixar movie, Cars, there is a side character named Fred, who pops up a few times. We know his name is Fred because that’s what’s written… Read More God Knows Your Name Redux

All Posts, Favor of God, God is Good, God's Love, Gratitude, life lessons in God, Our Authority in God, Read Bible, Strength in God, The Blessing of God, Trust God, Wisdom of God, Words of Your Mouth

A Year Without Him

So it’s been a year since the most amazing love of my life, the man God sent to me, the one who adopted Joshua and became everything you would want a father to be… left me. He moved out and changed addresses. He went on to heaven without me. I may have something to say… Read More A Year Without Him

All Posts, Blessing of God, Finances and God, God is Good, Gratitude, life lessons in God, Our Authority in God, prosperity of God, Read Bible, Spiritual Growth, Trust God, Wisdom of God

Your Seed is Still Good

It used to be that the oldest seeds found on earth were about 2000 years old. In 2012 scientists found seeds in Russia that were 32,000 years old – AND STILL VIABLE. They grew flowers. When you give to the Kingdom of God such as finances through your local church, other ministries, in the Christmas… Read More Your Seed is Still Good