All Posts, Blessing of God, Favor of God, God is Good, God's Love, Gods Safety Protection, life lessons in God, LITD, Living in Dangerous Times, Plan of God, prosperity of God, Spiritual Growth, Word of God, Words of Your Mouth

LITD: God, With You Wherever You Go

Monday I talked about how God is with you. You would think this was an easy concept to understand. But no. It really isn’t. Tuesday I had a mini-melt down. I began whining. I began the  “who what when where why” act. You know – “where are we supposed to live?” and “have we missed… Read More LITD: God, With You Wherever You Go

All Posts, God is Good, Gods Safety Protection, Our Authority in God, Read Bible, Spiritual Growth, Trust God, Word of God, Words of Your Mouth

Fowler’s Snare?

I started reading Psalm 91:3 in King James version – “Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence”.  I got stuck on snare of the fowler and noisome pestilence – so I looked it up. The “snare of the fowler” means the traps laid by the devil… Read More Fowler’s Snare?

All Posts, Angels, Gods Safety Protection, Healing & God, LITD, Living in Dangerous Times, Our Authority in God, Spiritual Growth, Words of Your Mouth

LIDT: Your Angels #2

Last LIDT* post we learned that angels were sent to work for us. How do angels work for us? Psalms 103:20 – they excel in strength when they do His commandments – they listen to the voice of His Word.  How do they hear the voice of His Word?  YOU have to give it your… Read More LIDT: Your Angels #2

All Posts, Angels, Authority in God, Gods Safety Protection, Health & God, life lessons in God, Obey God, prosperity of God, Spiritual Growth, Words of Your Mouth

Confession: Necessary For Life

Confession. It can save your life. The scriptural basis is listed at the bottom of this post.  When we speak God’s Word (scripture), we are speaking outwardly to angels, who “hear and do” the Word of God you speak (Psalm 103:20). They are our servants, service angels. You speak God’s Word consistently, the angels go… Read More Confession: Necessary For Life