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Put Away False and Dishonest Speech

Put away from you false and dishonest speech, and willful and contrary talk put far from you.  Proverbs 4:24  

I used to believe this verse meant, “Don’t cuss”,  you know like “dam* and hel* – worldly curse words – but it’s worse.

A lot of Christians curse. Today I read this verse in the Amplified Classic translation and finally saw the words “contrary talk”  – in other words, don’t speak ANYTHING contrary to the Word of God (Bible).

Find out what God has to say about a situation in your life then ONLY speak that. Find the scriptures that show you what HE said. 

Are you having money problems? Or have a need? You speak, “God supplies all my needs” – Philippians 4:19

Have a want you’re standing for, like a special vehicle? One I use is Psalms 23:1, “I’m so thankful that God supplies my wants”.  Sometimes a want is really a need like a home. Or that vehicle is a necessity.

Having a sickness or disease attack from the devil? There are several words (scriptures) from God about health and healing. I just usually say “I thank You God that You are my healer! I am the healed and the devil is trying to steal my healing. He CAN’T have it.”

Sometimes you have to say these over and over, many times. The important thing is to STAY IN THE WORD. Read your Bible consistently, especially healing verses like Psalms 107:20 (He sent the Word to heal) or 1 Peter 2:24  which says you WERE healed, way back when Jesus died on the cross for you. Remind the devil of that FACT.

Dig your own scriptures out. Ask God to show you what you need. Remember  3 John 1:2  Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul (which needs what the Bible says) prospereth

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