All Posts, Authority in God, Blessing of God, Finances and God, Healing & God, Health & God, life lessons in God, Long Life, Nan's Posts, protection, Reading Bible, Spiritual Growth, The Blessing of God, Word of God, Words, Words of Your Mouth

Are You Killing Your Future?

I can’t emphasis enough how important the words of your mouth are in your life. The Bible says that your words will bless you or curse you, prosper you or break you, keep you alive or help kill you. In this life, YOUR words will bring you through victoriously or YOUR words will cause you… Read More Are You Killing Your Future?

All Posts, Blessing of God, Finances and God, God is Good, God's Love, life lessons in God, Nan's Posts, Obey God, Reading Bible, Spiritual Growth, The Blessing of God, Word of God, Words of Your Mouth

Do Choices Really Matter?

When people see how blessed Leland and I are they often say, “You’re so lucky” or “Your life is good because your husband has a great paying job.” NO! We are NOT lucky. And he wouldn’t even have that great paying job if it were not for God. We are living a life of choices… Read More Do Choices Really Matter?

All Posts, Finances and God, Health & God, Nan's Posts, Obey God, Spiritual Growth, Words

You Choose How Your Life Goes

Watch your thoughts; they become words Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. ~ Frank Outlaw *********************** I learned a little song when I was in Sunday School that went something like this: Be careful… Read More You Choose How Your Life Goes

All Posts, Finances and God, God is Good, God's Love, Health & God, Nan's Posts, Obey God, Reading Bible, Spiritual Growth, The Blessing of God

Is Prosperity a Dirty Word?

I was thinking about my life the other day. I’ve been in some form of ministry for 30 years from minister of music, children’s church, teaching ladies meetings to preaching. That is a long time to prove out what God can do. I have seen God work in people’s lives in such amazing ways.  I have… Read More Is Prosperity a Dirty Word?