God is Good, Long Life, Read Bible, Spiritual Growth, Strength in God, The Blessing of God, Wisdom of God, Word of God, Words of Your Mouth

Be Like the Pillsbury Dough Boy®

Did you ever wonder how someone always knows if you are in the Word or not? If you were spending time with God and the Holy Spirit?  Me, too. When I was backslidden (away from God) or even working on being back, my mom ALWAYS knew and I didn’t know how. I thought it was… Read More Be Like the Pillsbury Dough Boy®

All Posts, Blessing of God, Favor of God, Goals and Dreams, God is Good, God's Love, Health & God, Hear God's Voice, Long Life, Physical Growth, Plan of God, Read Bible, Spiritual Growth, Strength in God, The Blessing of God, Trust God, Wisdom of God

God Knows Your Name Redux

~~I’m going to repost a few older posts. I’ve been cleaning up the website and ran across a few I really enjoyed; hope you do, too!~~ In the animated Pixar movie, Cars, there is a side character named Fred, who pops up a few times. We know his name is Fred because that’s what’s written… Read More God Knows Your Name Redux

All Posts, Gods Safety Protection, Hear God's Voice, life lessons in God, Living in Dangerous Times, Long Life, Our Authority in God, protection, Reading Bible, The Blood, Trust God, Word of God, Words of Your Mouth

LIDT: Say and Take

One of my favorite scriptures is 2 Corinthians 4:13 (TPT)  “We have the same Spirit of faith that is described in the Scriptures when it says, ‘First I believed, then I spoke in faith.’  So we also first believe then speak in faith.” When we are in the middle of trouble or when we need… Read More LIDT: Say and Take