(A redux of a 2010 Post)

There was a 2002 movie – we started it but couldn’t finish because of the cursing – called, “Panic Room”. I’d never heard of a Panic Room.
The story was about a woman and her daughter who purchased an apartment that came equipped with a panic room. When bad guys broke into the apartment looking for a hidden cache of money from previous owner, the mother and daughter locked themselves into the panic room for protection.
The premise of the panic room is that you will be “safe” from criminals because it is a room so fortified, so secure, no one can get into it. There may also be a monitor for external security cameras and alarm systems. Safe rooms are also typically stocked with basic emergency and survival items.
Reading Psalm 91 one day, I realized that it reminded me of this movie and made me see something I want to share with you.
Psalm 91 talks about a secret place. Researching the word “secret place” helps you better understand what the psalmist meant when he wrote those words: You are under the protection of the Most High. It is a hiding place, a covert place, a protection place; a shelter; all places that conceal or hide.
Sounds an awful lot like a “panic” room, doesn’t it!? But here’s another thing I saw. The very name, panic room, is wrapped in FEAR. Panic is another word for terror, fright, dread, alarm, fear, and horror. Since God always tells us NOT TO FEAR, then the very meaning of this room is based on the enemy’s thought process.
Now I’m not saying a person can’t have a panic room. What I am saying is not to put your trust IN a panic room (and maybe call it a Safety Room). Psalm 91 verse 2 – “I will SA Y of the Lord, HE is my refuge and my fortress, my God, therefore in Him will I trust (my life).”
So your mouth has to speak that God is your safe zone. Verses 3-7 talk about God protecting you from things that sound far worse than someone breaking into your home (although He will protect you from that, too). Verse 10 states boldly that NO EVIL will conquer you and no plague will come near your home (I’d call people breaking in a plague, wouldn’t you?).
Instead of having communication equipment hooked up to law enforcement, God orders His angels, His “protection enforcers”, to protect you.
If you have a panic room, make sure your security is in God’s protection while using it! But you don’t have to have a physical panic room, because you have the best protection of all. Living in a place of security, safety, and protection!
Like I told Leland – I don’t have a safe room, I have a safe house! He said, “Well, I have a safety zone – everywhere I am!”
Always gotta one-up me!
Sharing the goodness of God:
Scriptural References:
Psalm 91
Romans 10:17
Matt 12:24
Luke 6:45
That is great to remember that God is telling us not to fear.