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Tithing, A Love Story

Sign Change Not 1

Many times, people ask what the purpose of tithing is. Sometimes they try to explain that it passed away with the Old Testament (it didn’t). Often the questions are posed because someone is trying to get out of “paying tithes.” They don’t believe it is something necessary or for us, the “modern church”.

First of all, as the sign says, God never changes. If He only meant for tithing to be for the Old Testament people, He would have clearly said, “Tithe but after Jesus dies on the cross, you never have to tithe again.” He never said that.

Tithing is a part of God’s plan. Tithing is for your benefit. Tithing is from the heart and shows two things – where your heart is (i.e., do you love Him?) and if you truly trust Him. We tithe (“tithe” means 10%) because we love God and we want to obey Him. While God loves unconditionally and salvation is for everyone, His promises are conditional. You know, promises like,“GIVE and it shall be given unto you…” (Luke 6:38).

You do your part first. TITHE and:

sign tithingb

The Message translation says it this way:  For My (God) part, I will defend you against marauders (thieves, robbers, looters), protect your wheat fields and vegetable gardens against plunderers.” The devourer represents the devil, Satan. His job is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10 – The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).

Wheat fields and vegetable gardens represent finances, provision. Tithing is about preventing loss. That is what the tithe provides for you.

I am going to tell you a story which will tell you why I made the determination to tithe, no matter what.

My son was 4 years old. Finances were pretty tight.  Squeaky tight. I had just heard a sermon on tithing and the preacher made the statement that she and her husband had decided that even if there was no food in their house, they would always tithe no matter what. Because they made that decision, though, they were never without food or provision.

catsup sandwich

That struck me so strongly that I told God the same thing.  I then began faithfully tithing (as opposed to the hit and miss I used to do – you know, tithing until something goes wrong and you “need” that money).  After about 6 months, there came a day when I had no food in the cupboard.  Well, I had a loaf of bread and a bottle of catsup.  That is all.

My son loved catsup so I made him a catsup sandwich.  He thought that was just fine; he was happy.  In the meantime, I was praying for all I was worth. I still had over a week left before payday. I kept reminding God, “I am a tither. You promised you would provide for my house. You promised that you would rebuke the devil and keep him from devouring my goods. I’m down to catsup sandwiches here, God. I need help!”

This was not the most faith-filled prayer, but it was where I was back then.

Later that very same day, a friend of mine called the house. She was moving from one end of town to the other and asked me if she could come by and bring a few things out of her freezer to me.  She didn’t want to move the stuff to the new house.  I didn’t know what she was bringing but I was hopeful!

When she got to the house, she brought in 3 of those three huge 13 gallon garbage bags full of groceries.  There was everything from canned goods to frozen meat, vegetables, and fruit. There was enough food there to feed us for a long time.

I started crying and when she asked why, I explained that we were down to catsup sandwiches. She then began crying and said that she almost didn’t call me because she thought I would be insulted at the offer of her “old” food. Once we both saw God’s hand, we rejoiced and thanked Him for His faithfulness to me.

sign god is faithful

God IS faithful. Once I began tithing faithfully, I was never without from that day to this one. I will never NOT tithe. He’s just been too good to me.

Another benefit? My “stuff” doesn’t breakdown. My washer and dryer lasted almost 30 years. We made the choice not to fix the dryer (parts WERE hard to find after 29+ years) so I got an amazing deal on new ones (another benefit). My car stopped having problems. Same with oven, television, just everything.

Before I could buy better tires, I had a flat on the interstate. I pulled off the road, got out of the car and before I could blink (this was before cell phones), some guy pulled up behind me in a truck, said “Let me help,” popped my trunk, pulled out the spare and jack, changed the tire, said “Have a good day” and got back in his truck, and zipped back on to the interstate. I think I stood there with my mouth dropped open longer than it took him to change the tire. Still think it was an angel.

Things like that began happening all the time – just the coolest stuff. Things just lasted… and lasted. My paychecks seemed to stretch in ways I couldn’t understand but I began to make it from payday to payday instead of payday to a week before payday. Eventually I began to have money left over. Then a savings account. Then… get it?

In the times we are living in, it is more important than ever to obey God, especially in the area of tithing. It is for our benefit and something you will never regret. He says to test Him for a reason: He is trustworthy. He will pass the test of taking care of you and yours. There are many benefits.

Remember, if it steals, kills, destroys, causes loss – NOT God. And the tithe connects you to God’s way of doing things and helps prevent stealing, killing, destroying, and loss of anything.


Is living on 90 percent worth it? Oh you bet!! God loves us so much, He made a way to get involved in our finances so He could bless us.  Tithing really is a Love Story.

3 thoughts on “Tithing, A Love Story

  1. Well said, Nan. I remember the catsup sandwich days. And look where you are now…. selling STEAK to others.

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