All Posts, Healing & God, Health & God, Read Bible, Spiritual Growth, Strength in God, The Blessing of God, Wisdom of God

You Can Lose Your Healing

Pardon me for taking so long to post. I was having computer problems. I mentioned last time that there are things that can hinder healing. Many times we are taught about healing but we are not taught what can stop it.  I’ve been researching that. Come to find out, there are several things that hinder… Read More You Can Lose Your Healing

All Posts, Blessing of God, Favor of God, God's Love, life lessons in God, Obey God, Reading Bible, Spiritual Growth, Strength in God, Trust God, Wisdom of God, Word of God

God’s One Thing

In the 1991 film City Slickers, the Jack Palance  character goes on about the secret of life boiling down to One Thing. He tells the Billy Crystal character that it is for him to find out what that is, leaving Billy Crystal confused. Isn’t it wonderful that God has One Thing and He doesn’t leave… Read More God’s One Thing

All Posts, Angels, Gods Safety Protection, Living in Dangerous Times, Nan's Posts, protection, Read Bible, Spiritual Growth, Strength in God, Trust God, Words of Your Mouth

The First Special Forces – God and Angels

~~I’m re-posting (some modifications) a few older Musings. I’m up to my ears in unpacking, trusting the Holy Spirit to help me find things I can’t find. I’ll be back but in the meantime, enjoy these oldies!~~ ♥ God is the first Special Force. Just like the Army’s Rangers, Navy’s SEALs, Green Berets, and the… Read More The First Special Forces – God and Angels

God is Good, Long Life, Read Bible, Spiritual Growth, Strength in God, The Blessing of God, Wisdom of God, Word of God, Words of Your Mouth

Be Like the Pillsbury Dough Boy®

Did you ever wonder how someone always knows if you are in the Word or not? If you were spending time with God and the Holy Spirit?  Me, too. When I was backslidden (away from God) or even working on being back, my mom ALWAYS knew and I didn’t know how. I thought it was… Read More Be Like the Pillsbury Dough Boy®