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Why You Need God’s Word Daily

 Joshua 1:8  (NIV) Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 

Romans 10:17 (RV)  So belief cometh of hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ (God).

Matthew 4:4  (MSG) “… ‘It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God’s mouth..'”

When Leland and I first married. Josh was hooked on the 80’s Hulk Hogan television series. You could always tell when he watched the show a lot. Josh would “attack” Leland and wrestle with him ALL THE TIME. It was what he “fed” on the most.

Speaking of feeding, how often do you eat a meal? Two to three times a day, right? Sometimes even snacks? Maybe lots and lots of snacks? 

You generally eat physical food for nourishment. Put in the non-nourishing, wrong type food (sugar, processed foods) and maybe it won’t show up immediately, but it will eventually cause physical failure.

God created us with the need for Spiritual food (His Word, Scripture, the Law, the Bible) in order to survive, be successful and prosper.  Don’t feed on His Word at least once a day, it may not show up immediately, but you will eventually have a faith failure.

One time God gave me an answer that I wasn’t expecting to a question I asked. I don’t recall what it was (I think a diet failure), but I expected Him to give me some big holy instruction about the issue. Do know what He said?

“You don’t have a discipline problem. You have a lack of Word problem. Because you slowed down reading your Word, your flesh is bossing you around. You get back into the Word, you will find that issue losing it’s power over you.”

Well! Alrighty now. And – that’s the answer to almost every faith failure I’ve had. It’s in two parts – it’s either a lack of Word or lack of obedience to the Word I’ve read or heard.  I began to always be able to tell what I was feeding on the most.

There are a lot of good news “do this” and “then that will happen” scriptures – like Joshua 1:8 – keep reading, meditating and speaking His Word and your ways will be successful and prosperous.

Simple, yes?  Go dig some of those scriptures out, get them down in you, obey what they say to do, and like Josh did, you will want to (and be able to) attack every wile of the enemy all the time!

If you are having problems, check your Word level. You may just find that it’s low!

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