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Why are you waiting?


1 – power (authority, force, ability, mastery, jurisdiction) over unclean (foul) spirits, to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease,

2 – power (ability) to heal sicknesses, and to cast out (expel) devils:

3 – power (mastery) over unclean spirits;

4 – power (force) and authority (ability) over all devils, and to cure (heal) diseases.

5 – power (ability, force, competency, mastery) to tread (trample) on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power (forces) of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you (you will remain completely unharmed).

So here we are as God’s people, with ALL this power, authority, ability, force, mastery, jurisdiction, and competency over ALL the forces & power of the enemy. We know the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy everything good in our life and that Jesus came to bring us an abundant, rich and satisfying life.

So why is it then that you can barely tell the difference in those who serve God and those who don’t? Like someone pulled the plug on your power?

Christians are just as sick (or sicker) than the non-believers. They are just as broke, busted and disgusted. They have marriage problems, the same 50% divorce rate statistic, kids out in the world, not enough money to pay their bills, driving beat up, cheap, old cars with 2 good tires and 2 faith tires, and the only praying they do is to get by until the next payday.

Why do they battle the same sickness, disease, problems, sins, and financial burdens that people of the world (non-Christians) do? They do not know their authority.

How do you operate in the authority God has given you through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross?


Let’s take sickness and disease for an example. Find and read scriptures that talk about Jesus going around and healing everyone of every disease. Realize that Jesus paid for your healing – for you to be healed today – by dying on the cross and being raised again.

Your authority is to stand on the promise of that healing that Jesus paid for and to quit letting the devil try to steal your healing away from you. Get an understanding that you are NOT the sick trying to get healed. You are “the healed” and the devil is coming to destroy that by bringing you sickness and trying to get you to accept it.

THAT SICKNESS DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU. It is not yours, it is the devil’s. Quit accepting it. Give it back to him in your authority to do so (oh, and never, ever say “MY” sickness. Don’t personalize it.).

Release your authority from your mouth. Say, “I am free from sickness and disease! I refuse to accept this sickness and disease trying to overtake me! I just read in the Bible that healing is mine. The devil is not going to steal it from me. No one is going to talk me out of it. It belongs to me. Today, right now, I receive my healing!”

Then don’t back off. Once you’ve said that, don’t ever say anything contrary to it. Don’t be moved by time or symptoms (or friends talking and questioning).

When the devil comes back to whisper in your ear, “You are going to die! You’re not going to get your healing” laugh at him and say, “Too late! I’ve already gotten it. I received my healing last week. It’s mine and you can’t steal it.”

Just refuse to give up, keep on taking the land and your healing will come to pass.  And then turn around and apply this same principle to every area of your life like finances and relationships!  God’s Word works!

So what are you waiting for? Stand in your authority and power, and begin to receive the very benefits Jesus died for you to have!

Scripture References:

Matthew 28:18-19a
Matthew 10:1
Mark 3:14-15
Mark 6:7
Luke 9:1
Luke 10:19
John 10:10

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